CWIP'S 2019

2019 Winners

Inaugural winners’ event - The Conduit Club, London
2019 Partners

2019 Judges

The 2019 Published Novels Shortlist
We got there! CWIP’s first year, at the very least, shone a light on funny female fiction – with original humorous narrative (Gail Honeyman), outright jokes (Gill Simms), sparky plot (Laura Steven), transgressive irony (Asia Mackay), and witty cross cultural storytelling (Balli Kaur Jaswal).

The 2019 Unpublished Novels Shortlist
It was CWIP’s privilege to read and laugh at these unpublished witty authors and stars of tomorrow! – with wittily observed characters (Kirsty Eyre), subverted traditional romance (Abigail Mann), eccentric and funny (Helen Doyle), tragi-comic (Lotte Mullan) and wry and celebratory (Jo Lovett-Turner).